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This is the Penn Open Data API implementation in NodeJS, currently with support for the registrar, directory, dining, transit, and map APIs. You can view the complete API reference here.


To get started, just run

npm install penn-sdk


var api = require("penn-sdk")
Registrar = api.Registrar

registrar = new Registrar("API_USERNAME", "API_PASSWORD")
registrar.course("CHEM", "241", function(result) {

Requesting an API key

To use this library, you must first obtain an API token and password for the API you want to use, which can be done here.

Note: There are separate API tokens for each API.


We'd love to accept pull requests! Also, file bugs or ask questions in GitHub issues if you have any problems.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repository using GitHub's interface
  2. Git clone your repository using git clone YOUR_GIT_URL
  3. Install the required dependencies using npm install.
  4. Start editing the CoffeeScript source files in src.
  5. Write tests!
  6. Make a pull request back to the original repository.


The SDK is written in CoffeeScript, so please make your changes in the CoffeeScript source files in src and they can be compiled into JavaScript using make js.


You can test the work you have using make test, which uses Mocha to run the tests inside of the test directory. You should have environment variables in your shell that specify your API keys in the format REGISTRAR_API_USERNAME and REGISTRAR_API_PASSWORD. If you prefer to have these tests run while you're editing automatically, you can run make watch from your terminal.



MIT Licensed